Shop essential oils online and receive the best quality pure essential oils.

We all love essential oils, each with their own unique aroma and benefits.
What are Pure Essential Oils?
The best essential oils to use must be pure. The aroma and beneficial properties only come from pure essential oils extracted from the volatile aromatic compounds of plants. The type of volatile aromatic compounds present in an essential oil determines both the oil’s aroma and the benefits it offers. This is the reason I only buy doTerra Essential Oils.
Only use pure essential oils. Shop carefully as most cheap essential oils use fragrances. Most fragrances are toxic to humans. Across multiple research studies, chemicals used to make fragrances are classified as allergens, hormone disruptors, asthma triggers, neurotoxins & carcinogens.

What is CPTG?
To ensure that each bottle of essential oil is pure and free from contaminants or synthetic fillers, doTERRA created the CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® protocol. The CPTG process includes a rigorous examination of every batch of oil, along with third-party testing for transparency.

Why are essential oils so good?
Essential oils can be used for applications which include emotional and physical wellness. Buy single essential oil or essential oil blends depending on your experience and desired benefit. Used for thousands of years for medicinal and health benefits. They have become extremely popular as a safe and natural alternative for many health concerns. Adding quality essential oils to your medicine cabinet can greatly improve your health and lifestyle. To understand how to use essential oils safely, please go to the doTerra page here.
See our range of ethically sourced pure essential oils.